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7th International Congress on Interpersonal Acceptance & Rejection,  Τμήμα ΠΑΙΔΑΓΩΓΙΚΟ  -  ΝΗΠΙΑΓΩΓΩΝ

Υπεύθυνος: Γιώτσα Άρτεμις  (Αναπληρώτρια καθηγήτρια),  Τμήμα ΠΑΙΔΑΓΩΓΙΚΟ, ΝΗΠΙΑΓΩΓΩΝ

Ομιλητές:  A. Papadaki  (.) , Elias Kourkourtas  (Professor) , P-D. Stavrou  (.) , S. Plexousakis  (.) , K. Hatira  (.)

Papadaki, A. & Kourkoutas E. Sense of Relatedness (Resiliency), Depression and Perceived Relationship with Parents and Teachers in Children and Adolescents with and without SEN. Papadaki, A., Kourkoutas, E. & Stavrou, P-D. Sense of Mastery (Resiliency), Depression and Perceived Relationship with Parents and Teachers in students with and without SEN. Plexousakis, S., Kourkoutas, E. & Hatira, K. Aspects of Parental Bonding, School bullying/Victimization, and Depressive symptoms in Children and Adolescents: A pathway analysis. Kourkoutas, E., Stavrou, P-D & Plexousakis, S. Preliminary results from a school based eclectic counseling program to support victimized children with and without SEN in Greece.
2018-05-15 01:27:57 48

7th International Congress on Interpersonal Acceptance & Rejection,  Τμήμα ΠΑΙΔΑΓΩΓΙΚΟ  -  ΝΗΠΙΑΓΩΓΩΝ

Υπεύθυνος: Γιώτσα Άρτεμις  (Αναπληρώτρια καθηγήτρια),  Τμήμα ΠΑΙΔΑΓΩΓΙΚΟ, ΝΗΠΙΑΓΩΓΩΝ

Ομιλητές:  E. Izquierdo-Sotorrío  (.) , Rita Pigiaki  (.) , K. Kyriakou  (.)

Izquierdo-Sotorrío, E., Carrasco, M.A., & Holgado, F.P. The moderating effect of perceived acceptance-rejection predicting children psychological adjustment from a multiinformant approach. Pigiaki, R. The development of schoolchildren’s expression of rejection through racial humor: Evidence from case studies of four Greek publicschool classes. Kyriakou, K. Haw, S., Scott, J. & Callaghan, J. Preventing child neglect: moving towards a public health approach in Scotland, United Kingdom
2018-05-15 00:52:43 62

7th International Congress on Interpersonal Acceptance & Rejection,  Τμήμα ΠΑΙΔΑΓΩΓΙΚΟ  -  ΝΗΠΙΑΓΩΓΩΝ

Υπεύθυνος: Γιώτσα Άρτεμις  (Αναπληρώτρια καθηγήτρια),  Τμήμα ΠΑΙΔΑΓΩΓΙΚΟ, ΝΗΠΙΑΓΩΓΩΝ

Ομιλητές:  S. Hussain  (.) , . Zainab  (.) , V. Rodrigues  (.) , C. Peixoto  (.) , F. Machado  (.) , L. Deneva  (.) , N. Koltcheva  (.) , M. Theodoropoulou  (.) , M. Malikiosi-Loizos  (.) , E. Galanaki  (.)

Hussain, S. & Zainab. Parental and Teacher Acceptance and Students Academic Achievement in Gilgit-Pakistan: The Moderating Role of Students School Problems. Rodrigues, V., Peixoto, C. & Machado, F. Emotional Intelligence and Psychological Adjustment of Kindergarten Teachers: the role of the perception of supervisor’s rejection. Deneva, L. & Koltcheva, N. Interrelation between Teachers' Acceptance-Rejection and Students Conduct in Middle School Children. Theodoropoulou, M., Malikiosi-Loizos, M., Galanaki, E. Τhe self-esteem of dyslexic and nondyslexic children aged 11-12 years in relation to teacher acceptance-rejection.
2018-05-15 01:05:46 58

7th International Congress on Interpersonal Acceptance & Rejection,  Τμήμα ΠΑΙΔΑΓΩΓΙΚΟ  -  ΝΗΠΙΑΓΩΓΩΝ

Υπεύθυνος: Γιώτσα Άρτεμις  (Αναπληρώτρια καθηγήτρια),  Τμήμα ΠΑΙΔΑΓΩΓΙΚΟ, ΝΗΠΙΑΓΩΓΩΝ

Ομιλητές:  Jack Demarest  (.) , A. İyiaydın  (.) , A. Papachiou  (.) , A. Giotsa  (.) , B. Kuyumcu  (.)

Demarest, J., Correa, V., Shroyer, B., Sittner, J. & Watson-Gill, J. Sex Differences in Spying on a Mate İyiaydın, A. & Sümer, Z. Intimate Partner Acceptance-Rejection / Control and Marital Adjustment: The Mediator Role of Psychological Adjustment Papachiou, A., Schröder-Abé, M. & Kafetsios, K. Prevention Regulatory Goals and Interpersonal Emotion Regulation in Romantic Couples: Does avoiding risks determine our partner’s emotional experiences and ours? Giotsa, A., Stalikas, A., Kyriazos, Th. & Zergiotis , A. Social Anxiety in Greek Adults Kuyumcu, B. The relationship between the perceived intimate partner control and the positive-negative affect state among young adults dating couples
2018-05-15 01:24:40 29

7th International Congress on Interpersonal Acceptance & Rejection,  Τμήμα ΠΑΙΔΑΓΩΓΙΚΟ  -  ΝΗΠΙΑΓΩΓΩΝ

Υπεύθυνος: Γιώτσα Άρτεμις  (Αναπληρώτρια καθηγήτρια),  Τμήμα ΠΑΙΔΑΓΩΓΙΚΟ, ΝΗΠΙΑΓΩΓΩΝ

Ομιλητές:  F. Machado  (.) , F. Machado  (.) , M. Ibrahim  (.) , M. Andelinovic  (.)

Machado, F., Vale, C. & Peixoto, C. The role of perceived teacher acceptance on student’s resiliency, classroom social climate and academic success. Ibrahim, M. & Ahmed, R. Relations Between Parental Acceptance/Rejection, Resilience, Social Skills, Psychological Hardiness, and Psychological Adjustment in Kuwaiti Youth and Adults. Anđelinović, M. & Keresteš, G. Parental and peer rejection as predictors of appearance-based rejection sensitivity
2018-05-15 01:08:59 23

7th International Congress on Interpersonal Acceptance & Rejection,  Τμήμα ΠΑΙΔΑΓΩΓΙΚΟ  -  ΝΗΠΙΑΓΩΓΩΝ

Υπεύθυνος: Γιώτσα Άρτεμις  (Αναπληρώτρια καθηγήτρια),  Τμήμα ΠΑΙΔΑΓΩΓΙΚΟ, ΝΗΠΙΑΓΩΓΩΝ

Ομιλητές:  A. Giotsa  (.) , M. Dedeler  (.) , O. Shurbanovska  (.) , S. Vladica  (.) , A. Giotsa  (.)

Dedeler, M. & Angın, E. Parental Acceptance- Rejection and Problem-Solving Skills: The Mediating Role of Cognitive Flexibility and Emotion Regulation Strategies Shurbanovska, O., Naumova, K. & Frichand, A. Divorce as risk factor of children’s perception of parental rejection Vladica, S. How do courts deal with parental alienation in Romania? Giotsa, A., Theodoropoulos, Ch. & Kyriazos, Th. Evaluation of the hierarchical factor structure of the ECPARQ
2018-05-15 01:25:48 50

7th International Congress on Interpersonal Acceptance & Rejection,  Τμήμα ΠΑΙΔΑΓΩΓΙΚΟ  -  ΝΗΠΙΑΓΩΓΩΝ

Υπεύθυνος: Γιώτσα Άρτεμις  (Αναπληρώτρια καθηγήτρια),  Τμήμα ΠΑΙΔΑΓΩΓΙΚΟ, ΝΗΠΙΑΓΩΓΩΝ

Ομιλητές:  Ronald Rohner  (Professor Emeritus)

Welcoming Remarks Ismini Kriari, Rector of Panteion University Georgios Kapsalis, Rector of the University of Ioannina Spyridon Tantaros, President of the Hellenic Psychological Society Vassiliki Βoukouvala, President of the Association of Greek Psychologists Panayiotis Kordoutis, Psychology Department Chair of Panteion U. and Organizing Committee Chair Francisco Machado, Program Chair & President-Elect Artemis Giotsa, Chair of the Conference and President of ISIPAR
2018-05-15 00:48:05 24

7th International Congress on Interpersonal Acceptance & Rejection,  Τμήμα ΠΑΙΔΑΓΩΓΙΚΟ  -  ΝΗΠΙΑΓΩΓΩΝ

Υπεύθυνος: Γιώτσα Άρτεμις  (Αναπληρώτρια καθηγήτρια),  Τμήμα ΠΑΙΔΑΓΩΓΙΚΟ, ΝΗΠΙΑΓΩΓΩΝ

Ομιλητές:  Ronald Rohner  (Professor Emeritus)

Ronald Rohner Deep Structure of the Human Affectional System: Summarizing Six Decades of Research in IPARTheory
2018-05-15 00:50:30 30

7th International Congress on Interpersonal Acceptance & Rejection,  Τμήμα ΠΑΙΔΑΓΩΓΙΚΟ  -  ΝΗΠΙΑΓΩΓΩΝ

Υπεύθυνος: Γιώτσα Άρτεμις  (Αναπληρώτρια καθηγήτρια),  Τμήμα ΠΑΙΔΑΓΩΓΙΚΟ, ΝΗΠΙΑΓΩΓΩΝ

Ομιλητές:  Victor Carrion  (Prof.)

Mindfulness for School-Age Children: BioPsychoSocial Findings of a Three-Year Study Chair: Abdul Khaleque
2018-05-16 01:10:22 26

7th International Congress on Interpersonal Acceptance & Rejection,  Τμήμα ΠΑΙΔΑΓΩΓΙΚΟ  -  ΝΗΠΙΑΓΩΓΩΝ

Υπεύθυνος: Γιώτσα Άρτεμις  (Αναπληρώτρια καθηγήτρια),  Τμήμα ΠΑΙΔΑΓΩΓΙΚΟ, ΝΗΠΙΑΓΩΓΩΝ

Ομιλητές:  A. Stalikas  (.) , V. Yotsidi  (.) , K. Daoultzis  (.) , A. Giotsa  (.)

Stalikas, A., Yotsidi, V., Giotsa, A., Kyriazos, T. & Galanakis, M. Unfolding the common grounds between Positive Psychology and Interpersonal Acceptance and Rejection Theory (IPARTheory): bridging a gap in Psychology. Yotsidi, V. “In medias res: With a Family”: An original fairy tale technique for personal development through the lens of the IPARTheory. Daoultzis, K., Mougios, D., Kordoutis, P., Kalamaras, D., Giotsa, A. When parental rejection interferes with sexual identity and the expression of emotionally invested sexuality: the case of romantic relationship adjustment among Greek bisexual and homosexual men and women. Giotsa, A., Kordoutis, P., Stalikas, S. The application of IPARTheory in the Systemic Field
2018-05-16 01:46:53 177

7th International Congress on Interpersonal Acceptance & Rejection,  Τμήμα ΠΑΙΔΑΓΩΓΙΚΟ  -  ΝΗΠΙΑΓΩΓΩΝ

Υπεύθυνος: Γιώτσα Άρτεμις  (Αναπληρώτρια καθηγήτρια),  Τμήμα ΠΑΙΔΑΓΩΓΙΚΟ, ΝΗΠΙΑΓΩΓΩΝ

Ομιλητές:  M. A. Aljarallah  (.) , F. Boyraz  (.) , B. Kuyumcu  (.)

Aljarallah, M. A. & Ahmed, R. A. Relations between perception of parental acceptance and rejection, perception of parental power-prestige, and marital and psychological adjustment among Kuwaitis Boyraz, F & Akün, E. The relations among recollections of parental acceptance-rejection, psychological adjustment, and autobiographical memory processes Kuyumcu, B. The relationship between remembrance of parental (maternal and paternal) acceptance in childhood, psychological adjustment and forgiving among Turkish young adults.
2018-05-16 00:43:50 44

7th International Congress on Interpersonal Acceptance & Rejection,  Τμήμα ΠΑΙΔΑΓΩΓΙΚΟ  -  ΝΗΠΙΑΓΩΓΩΝ

Υπεύθυνος: Γιώτσα Άρτεμις  (Αναπληρώτρια καθηγήτρια),  Τμήμα ΠΑΙΔΑΓΩΓΙΚΟ, ΝΗΠΙΑΓΩΓΩΝ

Ομιλητές:  Amanda Denes  (Prof.)

Exploring the Benefits of Affectionate Communication: Implications for Interpersonal Acceptance-Rejection Theory Chair: Ronald Rohner, ISIPAR Executive Director
2018-05-16 00:56:37 38

7th International Congress on Interpersonal Acceptance & Rejection,  Τμήμα ΠΑΙΔΑΓΩΓΙΚΟ  -  ΝΗΠΙΑΓΩΓΩΝ

Υπεύθυνος: Γιώτσα Άρτεμις  (Αναπληρώτρια καθηγήτρια),  Τμήμα ΠΑΙΔΑΓΩΓΙΚΟ, ΝΗΠΙΑΓΩΓΩΝ

Ομιλητές:  N. Koltcheva  (.) , L. Djalev  (.) , S. Fonseca  (.)

Koltcheva, N. & Djalev, L. Bulgarian Version of Adult Personality Assessment Questionnaire (PAQ, Adult). Scale Structure and Reliability Koltcheva, N. & Djalev, L. Development of the Bulgarian version of the Manager Acceptance-Rejection/Control Questionnaire (MARQ/C): Observations on its scale structure and reliability Koltcheva, N. & Djalev, L. Effectiveness of two administrative procedures: A comparative methodological study with Early Childhood Parental Acceptance-Rejection Questionnaire (ECPARQ) Fonseca, S., Peixoto, C. & Machado, F. Social and Emotional Skills of Preschool Children: the role of the perception of motherly acceptance-rejection
2018-05-16 01:32:21 32

7th International Congress on Interpersonal Acceptance & Rejection,  Τμήμα ΠΑΙΔΑΓΩΓΙΚΟ  -  ΝΗΠΙΑΓΩΓΩΝ

Υπεύθυνος: Γιώτσα Άρτεμις  (Αναπληρώτρια καθηγήτρια),  Τμήμα ΠΑΙΔΑΓΩΓΙΚΟ, ΝΗΠΙΑΓΩΓΩΝ

Ομιλητές:  C. Etengoff  (.) , D. Mougios  (.)

Etengoff, C., Rodriguez, E., Kurniawan, F. Exploring the Association between Family Relationships and Depression among LGBTQ Muslims in Indonesia Mougios, D., Kordoutis, P., Kalamaras, D. & Giotsa, A. Romantic relationship adjustment of homosexual and bisexual men and women: the role of sexual identity, attachment and parental acceptance
2018-05-16 01:24:31 56

7th International Congress on Interpersonal Acceptance & Rejection,  Τμήμα ΠΑΙΔΑΓΩΓΙΚΟ  -  ΝΗΠΙΑΓΩΓΩΝ

Υπεύθυνος: Γιώτσα Άρτεμις  (Αναπληρώτρια καθηγήτρια),  Τμήμα ΠΑΙΔΑΓΩΓΙΚΟ, ΝΗΠΙΑΓΩΓΩΝ

Ομιλητές:  K. Uddin  (.) , R. Rohner  (.) , S. Akter  (.)

Uddin, K., Putnick, D., Rohner, R., Singha, B., Shahnaz, I. Remembrances of mother and father rejection are associated with loneliness in adulthood as mediated by psychological maladjustment in Bangladeshi university students., Rohner, R., Putnick, D., Molaver, A., Ali, S., Butt, M., Ibrahim, D., Aurino, C., Blom, M., Darwesh, F., Auricchio, S., Hakem, A., Miranda, M., Adamsons, K., Senese, V. P. Psychological Maladjustment Mediates the Link Between Remembrances of Parental Rejection in Childhood and Loneliness in Adulthood: A Cross-Cultural Comparative Study Akter, S., Rohner, R., Uddin, K., Begum, F., Raisa, S. Parental Acceptance and Forgiveness among Adults: Psychological Adjustment as a Mediator Uddin, K., Mullick, T., Rohner, R. The impact of parental rejection and psychological maladjustment on forgiveness and vengeance among Bangladeshi university students
2018-05-16 00:42:20 40

7th International Congress on Interpersonal Acceptance & Rejection,  Τμήμα ΠΑΙΔΑΓΩΓΙΚΟ  -  ΝΗΠΙΑΓΩΓΩΝ

Υπεύθυνος: Γιώτσα Άρτεμις  (Αναπληρώτρια καθηγήτρια),  Τμήμα ΠΑΙΔΑΓΩΓΙΚΟ, ΝΗΠΙΑΓΩΓΩΝ

Ομιλητές:  R. Finzi-Dottan  (.) , A. Khaleque  (.) , E. Izquierdo-Sotorrío  (.) , P. Parmar  (.) , A. Filus  (.)

Finzi Dottan, R. & Schiff, M. Antecedents of spousal marital satisfaction: Remembered parental acceptance in childhood, self-differentiation and fear of intimacy Khaleque, A. & Hussain, S. Remembered Childhood Parental Acceptance-Rejection Predict Current Fear of Intimacy, and Psychological Adjustment Among Pakistani Adults Izquierdo-Sotorrío, E. & Carrasco, M.A. Relations between Acceptance-Rejection and Fear of Intimacy in Spanish Adults Parmar, P. Understanding why People are Afraid of Intimacy: Is it related Parental Acceptance & Rejection? Filus, A. et al. Psychological Maladjustment Mediates the Relation Between Remembrances of Parental Rejection in Childhood and Adults’ Fear of Intimacy: A Multicultural Study
2018-05-16 01:25:39 45

7th International Congress on Interpersonal Acceptance & Rejection,  Τμήμα ΠΑΙΔΑΓΩΓΙΚΟ  -  ΝΗΠΙΑΓΩΓΩΝ

Υπεύθυνος: Γιώτσα Άρτεμις  (Αναπληρώτρια καθηγήτρια),  Τμήμα ΠΑΙΔΑΓΩΓΙΚΟ, ΝΗΠΙΑΓΩΓΩΝ

Ομιλητές:  E. Ntali  (.) , W. Zia  (.) , E. Tserpeli  (.)

Ntali, E. & Christakis, N. Self-disclosure of affairs in online support groups: The case of the “other” partner Zia, W. & Naeem, S. Growing Atheism in Pakistan with Respect to Parental Conflicts Tserpeli, E. & Papastylianou, A. Being an adolescent’s father in the context of the Greek economic crisis: An Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis.
2018-05-17 00:40:08 39

7th International Congress on Interpersonal Acceptance & Rejection,  Τμήμα ΠΑΙΔΑΓΩΓΙΚΟ  -  ΝΗΠΙΑΓΩΓΩΝ

Υπεύθυνος: Γιώτσα Άρτεμις  (Αναπληρώτρια καθηγήτρια),  Τμήμα ΠΑΙΔΑΓΩΓΙΚΟ, ΝΗΠΙΑΓΩΓΩΝ

Ομιλητές:  P. Senese  (.)

Senese P. The interaction effect of parental rejection and oxytocin receptor gene polymorphisms on depression: a cross-cultural study.
2018-05-17 00:12:03 37

7th International Congress on Interpersonal Acceptance & Rejection,  Τμήμα ΠΑΙΔΑΓΩΓΙΚΟ  -  ΝΗΠΙΑΓΩΓΩΝ

Υπεύθυνος: Γιώτσα Άρτεμις  (Αναπληρώτρια καθηγήτρια),  Τμήμα ΠΑΙΔΑΓΩΓΙΚΟ, ΝΗΠΙΑΓΩΓΩΝ

Ομιλητές:  J. Poulsen  (.) , Ch. Theodoropoulos  (.)

Poulsen, J. & Carmon, A. Optimism Buffers the Impact of Family Rejection in a US Midwestern Sample Theodoropoulos, Ch. & Giotsa, A. Children’s and parents’ perceptions about the parental behavior in early childhood, in Greece: a systemic approach.
2018-05-17 00:45:29 36

7th International Congress on Interpersonal Acceptance & Rejection,  Τμήμα ΠΑΙΔΑΓΩΓΙΚΟ  -  ΝΗΠΙΑΓΩΓΩΝ

Υπεύθυνος: Γιώτσα Άρτεμις  (Αναπληρώτρια καθηγήτρια),  Τμήμα ΠΑΙΔΑΓΩΓΙΚΟ, ΝΗΠΙΑΓΩΓΩΝ

Ομιλητές:  F. Machado  (.)

Brief Presentation of 8th ICIAR, to be held in Porto, Portugal in 2020 (S. Karagiorgas Amphitheatre II) Francisco Machado
2018-05-17 00:09:20 37