Stalikas, A., Yotsidi, V., Giotsa, A., Kyriazos, T. & Galanakis, M. Unfolding the common grounds between Positive Psychology and Interpersonal Acceptance and Rejection Theory (IPARTheory): bridging a gap in Psychology.
Yotsidi, V. “In medias res: With a Family”: An original fairy tale technique for personal development through the lens of the IPARTheory.
Daoultzis, K., Mougios, D., Kordoutis, P., Kalamaras, D., Giotsa, A. When parental rejection interferes with sexual identity and the expression of emotionally invested sexuality: the case of romantic relationship adjustment among Greek bisexual and homosexual men and women.
Giotsa, A., Kordoutis, P., Stalikas, S. The application of IPARTheory in the Systemic Field
A. Stalikas .
V. Yotsidi .
K. Daoultzis .
A. Giotsa .