Βρέθηκαν 29 αποτελέσματα   RSS     7th International Congress on Interpersonal Acceptance & Rejection [X]   Αφαίρεση Όλων [X]


[Play] Family Interactions (S. Karagiorgas Amphitheatre II) Chair: Akis Giovazolias  / Ημέρα 3 2018 00:18:20
[Play] Parental Acceptance in Adolescence (S. Karagiorgas Amphitheatre II) Chair: Glavak-Tkalić  / Ημέρα 3 2018 00:34:53
[Play] School Adjustment and Behavioral Evaluation in different contexts (Deski Room) Chair: Andreas Zergiotis  / Ημέρα 3 2018 01:34:00
[Play] Methodological Issues (S. Karagiorgas Amphitheatre II) Chair: Vincenzo Paolo Senese  / Ημέρα 2 2018 01:32:21
[Play] Keynote Speaker (Ceremony Hall) Chair: Artemis Giotsa  / Ημέρα 1 2018 00:50:30
[Play] Intimate Partner (Deski Room) Chair: Parminder Parmar  / Ημέρα 1 2018 01:24:40
[Play] Keynote Speaker (S. Karagiorgas Amphitheatre II) PROF. VICTOR CARRION  / Ημέρα 2 2018 01:10:22
[Play] Opening Ceremony and Introductions (Ceremony Hall) Ronald P. Rohner, ISIPAR Executive Director, Chair of Opening Ceremony The Panteion University Choir, Directοr: Ioannis Vryzakis  / Ημέρα 1 2018 00:48:05
[Play] Rejection Sensitivity & Resilience (S. Karagiorgas Amphitheatre II) Chair: Elias Kourkoutas  / Ημέρα 1 2018 01:08:59