Βρέθηκαν 41 αποτελέσματα   RSS     HEP 2017: Recent Developments in High Energy Physics and Cosmology [X]   Αφαίρεση Όλων [X]


[Play] Welcome 2017 00:04:33
[Play] Closing 2017 00:04:31
[Play] The ATLAS New Small Wheel Upgrade and the construction of Micromegas at AUTH  / Διάλεξη 6 2017 00:29:49
[Play] Effective Description of Dark Matter as a Viscous Fluid  / Διάλεξη 4 2017 00:34:58
[Play] Superconformal Symmetry near Horizons  / Διάλεξη 4 2017 00:42:27
[Play] The Geometry of Quantum Hall Effect: An Effective Action for all Dimensions  / Διάλεξη 3 2017 00:41:03
[Play] New Generation of UV, IR and γ - ray sensors with Carbon Nano-Tubes (CNT)  / Διάλεξη 9 2017 00:24:53
[Play] Gravitino thermal production  / Διάλεξη 9 2017 00:29:16
[Play] ATLAS highlights  / Διάλεξη 1 2017 00:47:59
[Play] A Time Projection Chamber for the International Linear Collider  / Διάλεξη 1 2017 00:37:37
[Play] (Minimal Dark Matter)^2  / Διάλεξη 5 2017 00:29:56
[Play] Radiative symmetry breaking from exact UV fixed points  / Διάλεξη 2 2017 00:44:32
[Play] Recent LHCb results  / Διάλεξη 1 2017 00:44:58
[Play] Cuts of Feynman Integrals in Baikov representation  / Διάλεξη 7 2017 00:33:03
[Play] The QUBIC telescope for B-mode polarization in the CMB  / Διάλεξη 3 2017 00:44:02
[Play] Peccei-Quinn transition and supersymmetric hybrid inflation  / Διάλεξη 3 2017 00:32:57
[Play] Self Interacting Right-Handed neutrino Dark Matter and Small Scale Cosmology "crisis"  / Διάλεξη 2 2017 00:53:25
[Play] New Developments on Gauge/Gravity duality with Anisotropies  / Διάλεξη 11 2017 00:30:39
[Play] Physics activities of the ATLAS Thessaloniki group  / Διάλεξη 4 2017 00:36:01
[Play] Highlights from searches for supersymmetry in ATLAS  / Διάλεξη 8 2017 00:40:20